Perseverance of the Saints
What does it mean to persevere in the faith? Can we lose our salvation? Are Christians guaranteed to endure to the end? Listen in as we discuss these important topics!
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit? When does it occur? Is it important for my faith? Listen in as we consider this wonderful but complex doctrine!
What is sanctification? Is it important for salvation? Who is responsible for my sanctification? Join us in our discussion of this important subject!
What is justification? Why is it central to Christianity? What does it mean for our legal standing with God? Consider these things with us!
Conversion Pt. 2
What is involved in Conversion? What is faith and what role does it play in our salvation? Listen in as we discuss the nature of faith!
Conversion Pt. 1
What is Conversion? What does repentance and faith have to do with our salvation? Are they necessary? Listen in as we discuss the Doctrine of Conversion!
What must happen first in salvation? How does God give a person spiritual life? Consider the doctrine of Regeneration with us!
The Gospel Call
Can one say no to God's call for salvation? What is the gospel call? How does the doctrine of election fit into the gospel call? Join us as we explore these topics!
The Doctrine of Election Pt. 2
What does regeneration mean? What about my responsibility to believe? Is salvation God's choice or mine? Listen in as we tackle these questions and more!
The Doctrine of Election
What does the Bible say about God's elect? Does God chose those whom He saves? Or do people chose God? Explore the subject with us today!
God’s Common Grace
Is God's grace common? What do we mean by common grace? Listen in to hear what God's common grace is and how it is applied to all of humanity!
The Holy Spirit Pt. 3: Gifts & Daily Works
What does the Holy Spirit do in the daily lives of Christians? Does He effect our everyday living? Listen to these thoughts and more in this episode!
The Holy Spirit Pt. 2
Join our conversation as we look into the work of the Holy Spirit on this side of the Resurrection of Jesus! Has His work changed? What does He do? Listen in!
The Holy Spirit Pt. 1
Who is the Holy Spirit? What does He do? Is it important that we know Him? Listen in as we consider the person and work of the Holy Spirit!
The Offices of Christ
What are the offices of Christ? Do they actually matter for my salvation? Listen in as we consider the primary works of Jesus and how He fulfills Old Covenant roles.
The Resurrection & Ascension
Why is the resurrection & ascension important? What does it have to do with us today? Listen in as we consider the significance of these two events in the life of Christ.
The Atonement
Have you ever considered the reason for the atonement? What did it accomplish? What was its result? Join the conversation as we scratch the surface of this central doctrine of Christianity!
The Person of Christ
Who is Jesus? Is He fully God or fully man? Can He be both? Listen in as we touch on a few points about the Person of Christ.
The Covenants of God
What are the covenants of God? Do they matter for today? Listen in as we consider how and why the covenants of God work today.